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Tuesday, March 15, 2016 Minutes

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Regular Telephonic Meeting of the Board of Directors

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

9:30 a.m.

Board Room

MAET Administration Building

3825 Ridgewood Road

Jackson, Mississippi


Directors present:     Bob Sawyer, Vice-Chair, Peggy Holmes, Dr. Andrea Mayfield, Jennifer O’Neal, and Pete Smith

Directors participating telephonically:  None

Directors absent:      David Allen, Chair

Staff present:             Ronnie Agnew, Teresa Collier, Scott Colwell, Roy Davis, John Gibson, Jason Klein, Paul Moore, Claudia Morris, Maggie Stevenson, Henry Williams and Tara Wren

Others present:          David Scott



Director Holmes led the directors in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting to order.

Claudia Morris called roll, and it was established that a quorum was present to dobusiness.




A motion was made by Director Mayfield, and seconded by Vice-Chair Sawyer that the Board approve the agenda, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.



A motion was made by Vice-Chair Sawyer and seconded by Director O’Neal that the Board approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 8, 2016 and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.




Paul Moore presented the financial report and noted that MPB had to return $118,900 to the state of Mississippi due to budget cuts.  Paul Moore further noted that at 67% through its fiscal year 2016, MPB has received 89% of revenue expected for the year and is at 65% of expected spending.

A copy of the financial report is included as a part of these Minutes as Exhibit A.




Ronnie Agnew reported that indications are strong that Mississippi Legislature will cut every agency’s appropriations for the coming fiscal year and that what has passed the House at this points shows a $500,000 cut to MPB.  Ronnie Agnew added that Capitol Resources is working to get us level funding, $7.9M. 

Ronnie Agnew commended the underwriting team at MPB for their work in finding sponsors for MPB radio and TV shows. 

Ronnie Agnew announced that MPB TV team will be working on a for-hire project with Port of Gulfport and is pursuing more of the same with other state agencies. 

Ronnie Agnew stated that PBS will be going to 24/7 programming for children beginning fall of 2016 

Ronnie Agnew reported that the visits of the MPB contingent with members of Congress went well, and he commended the MPB staff for a successful MPB Day at the [state] Capitol.




Ronnie Agnew recognized staff members to give updates on their departments.

Scott Colwell referred to the information shared with the board by guests from WGBH at February 11 meeting re: the public media management system.  Scott Colwell stated that changes will have to be made in how master control is run regardless of which system is chosen since equipment now owned by MPB is reaching end-of-life.  Scott Colwell added that the next step will be sending out a request for proposal.

[Pete Smith joined the meeting.]

Jason Klein reported that the Hattiesburg area has always had bad reception for MPB and that MPB is now contracting a consultant to assess situation and report options to resolve the issue. 

Jason Klein noted that radio drive will be held in April and that the approach will be to pitch during breaks rather than to interrupt programming.

Henry Williams reported that MPB has been selected for an Equal Employment Opportunity audit by the FCC.  Henry Williams added that he is in contact with our attorneys in Washington DC regarding information needed.

Henry Williams stated that the potential upcoming changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act will affect all employers.  Henry Williams added that the change would affect the way MPB operates in a major way as up to 80% of MPB employees could be classified as non-exempt. 



In the absence of LeAnne Brewer, executive director of the Foundation, Paul Moore presented the reports sent by Foundation staff.

Paul Moore noted that numbers for pledge were up while numbers for major gifts were down.  Paul Moore added that all is trending for Foundation to meet its budget for the fiscal year. 

Paul Moore stated that one quarterly payment of the $500,000 requested by MPB for fiscal year 2016 has been received to date

Directors discussed the reports from Foundation.

[Director Mayfield exited the meeting.]

David Scott noted that he is working with Foundation Board chairman Ann Becker to find a time for a joint board meeting of Foundation and MPB. 

Copies of the financial reports are included as a part of these Minutes as Exhibit B.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


SIGNED,this the 31st day of May, 2016