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Parties Marshall Their Forces To Get Out the Vote

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In the week leading to the November 8th election, Republicans and Democrats are marshalling their forces to get out the vote for their candidates.

The race for the White House has some Mississippi Republicans working in swing states to help get out the vote for Donald Trump. Chairman of the Mississippi Trump Committee, Attorney Mitch Tyner, has been in Florida for the past three months campaigning.  He's also coordinating get out the vote efforts in the Magnolia State.

"We call it walk, talk, and win. That is going door to door to make sure that we've identified our voters. We're also doing phone banking, phone calling to all of our supporters. Currently we're making sure that those who need assistance to the polls also get that," said Tyner. 

While the presidential race is taking center stage, a week from today, Mississippians will elect four U.S. House Representatives and determine some state judicial races. One hotly contested race is between Judge Kenny Griffis and Incumbent Justice Jim Kitchens for the state supreme court. Both Griffis and Kitchens are campaigning heavily through ads. Brandon Jones, a Mississippi attorney who is active in the Democratic Party, says running for office when there's a presidential race can be difficult.

"I tell you it's challenging to be a down ticket candidate in this environment because you are fighting the national circus to get your message out. And people are listening and paying attention to the presidential races and they don't have a lot of energy left for what's going on below the ticket," said Jones.

Mississippi is considered a majority Republican state. Brandon Jones says for Democrats it's an uphill battle, but they're seeing growth in party participation and going door to door to get out the vote.