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AT&T presenting $250,00 donation to the MS Civil Rights Museum.
Mark Rigsby - MPB News

The new Mississippi Civil Rights Museum is getting a 250-thousand dollar contribution from a communications giant.

MPB's Mark Rigsby was at Tougaloo College for the announcement.

The money - coming from AT&T Mississippi - will be used to sponsor the museum's Black Empowerment Gallery.

The gallery will be presented in honor of former state supreme court justice Reuben Anderson.

“This has been a great day for me. Great in so many respects,” says Anderson.

Anderson - who is a Tougaloo alumnus - served on the board of directors for the company for two decades.

“This contribution from AT&T is going to be a big stepping stone in getting these museums completed and finished,” says Anderson.

Mayo Flynt is the company's state president.

“We think it’s important to tell the story of what’s happened in Mississippi, the progress that we’ve made. The struggles that were obviously very difficult along the way,” says Flynt.

The gallery will feature James Meredith - the first African-American student admitted to Ole Miss, and events during a 10-year span from the mid-60's to mid-70's.

The museum is scheduled to open in December 2017.