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Mississippi Doctor Retains Medical License with Help of Supporters

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Dr. Carrol Frazier Landrum (2nd from right), with Attorneys
Desare Frazier


Dr. Carrol Frazier Landrum, drives around the town of Edwards, using his car as an office and treating patients in their vehicles. The 88-year old provides low-cost and free medical care for conditions like rashes, sore throats and some respiratory infections. Landrum began the practice more than two years ago, after closing an office in an apartment complex because of violence.

"People kept asking that I'd see them and some of them would say can't you just see me?" said Landrum.

Last fall, the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure demanded Landrum surrender his license following a complaint. That led to outrage in Edwards, worldwide media coverage and a petition with more than 80-thousand signatures supporting him. Attorneys from the Goldwater Institute in Arizona, heard about his case and joined him for an informal hearing with the board of medical licensure. Attorney Christina Sandefur.

"An investigator had showed-up and asked Dr. Landrum to surrender his license on the spot without really giving him a very good reason for doing so. We wanted to make sure that he was not going to be harassed into giving up his license and leaving his patients in a lurch." said Sandefur.

Landrum says, the board's executive director, Dr. Vann Craig, asked him about patient care, diagnosis and treatments and told him he must keep better records, which he keeps in his car. But there was no talk of revoking his license. Once again Dr. Landrum.

"There's no way I can describe how I appreciate it. There just not words adequate to express the gratitude I have for the support I've received." said Landrum.

The Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure declined to comment.  Volunteers are turning the old Edwards post office into a medical building for Landrum.