If you are working in any department with the exception of Administration you are required to park in the back parking lot. Parking in front of MPB is reserved for the Administration department and visitors. The parking garage is based on seniority and the management level.
Time to report on the first day
On your first day, report at 8 a.m., unless instructed otherwise. Work schedules are determined by the employee’s supervisor. The administrative offices are open from 8am until 5pm, Monday through Friday. Due to the nature of the broadcast schedule, some employees are required to work other 40-hour-per-week shifts.
Who do I report to?
You will report to your supervisor unless instructed otherwise.
Dress Code
Since MPB does not have an official dress code, it is up to the employee to exercise their best judgment. If something is in question, please ask your supervisor. On Fridays, blue jeans are allowed.
Date and time of orientation
HR and your supervisor will coordinate the best date and time for your orientation which will be your first week.
Items to bring to orientation:
- Social Security Card
- Driver’s License
- Social Security Numbers for your spouse and/or dependents for insurance and beneficiary purposes
- Passport, Military ID or birth certificate if you choose to use one of these for your Employment Verification Form
Benefits MPB offers
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Supplemental Insurance Coverage:
- Dental Vision
- Cancer Disability (AFLAC)
- Cafeteria Plan
- Employee Assistance Program
- Retirement (PERS – Public Employees Retirement System)
- ↠ All employees are required to enroll as members of the retirement system.
- ↠ At the present time employees pay 9% (monthly) and the state pays 17.40% based on the employee’s salary.
- Deferred Compensation (Supplement retirement plan - optional)
All of your benefits will be discussed with you in detail at your orientation.
Vacation (Personal Leave)
As a new employee you will earn 12 hours of personal leave per month for each full month you work. You may only use leave after you earn it, for example, if you begin work on July 1st, on August 1st you will have earned 12 hours of personal leave. If you do not use all of your leave during a 12 month period the leave will carry over to the next year.
Sick days (Major Medical)
New employees earn 8 hours per month of sick leave. In order to use your major medical leave you must first use 8 hours of personal leave. If you do not use all of your leave during a 12 month period the leave will carry over to the next year.
State employees have 10 paid holidays and for any other day proclaimed as a holiday by the Governor or the President of the United States. A detailed list will be provided at orientation.
Pay Day
Pay day is the last working day of the month. If your date of hire is after the 1st of the month then you will receive a pro-rated salary at the end of the month. Helpful email addresses to access more information about health insurance, retirement (PERS), and State Employees Handbook have been mentioned above. Please familiarize yourself with this information. Download a digital version of the State Employees Handbook. The hard copy will be given to you at orientation.

Federal W-4 Form - Tax Withholding Form
The purpose of this form is so that your employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay.
State Tax Form
The purpose of this form is so that your employer can withhold the correct state income tax from your pay.
I-9 Form – Employment Eligibility Verification (See page 8 for relevant form)
The I-9 Form is a required document verifying that each new employee is eligible to obtain employment in the United States. New hires are to complete the I-9 and submit it to the Human Resources office for verification of employment eligibility. You will also need to present identity documents to the Human Resources office for verification as well (i.e., driver license and social security card).
Personal Data Sheet
The Personal Data Sheet is used by the Human Resource office as a resource tool for maintaining current information on each employee such as address, telephone number, emergency contacts, etc.
Emergency Employee Status
This form is to list your telephone numbers in case Mississippi Public Broadcasting needs to contact you outside normal working hours in case of an emergency (i.e., inclement weather conditions)
* Policy will be given to you at your orientation.
Notice of Outside Employment
The Notice of Outside Employment form is required if an employee engages in outside work or has another job. While the agency allows employees to engage in outside work or hold other jobs, it is subject to certain restrictions. The restrictions are listed in detail on the back of the Notice of Outside Employment form.
Overtime Pay Agreement
This form explains the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) with regard to Non-Exempt and Exempt Status and overtime.
PERS Form 1 (Enrollment Form) and PERS Form 1B (Beneficiary Nomination Form)
These forms are needed to provide PERS with the necessary information to establish your
membership into the retirement system. For additional information on retirement visit PERS.
Cafeteria Plan (Enrollment Form)
This form is needed to allow participating employees the benefit of pre-taxed payments (via payroll deduction) to pay for Insurance Premiums (health, dental, vision, cancer, disability, etc.) and contribute to Flexible Spending Accounts – (Mediflex & Careflex).
Health Insurance
The Health Insurance form is needed to provide our third party administrator – Blue Cross Blue Shield with the necessary information to establish your health insurance. For additional information on Health Insurance visit http://knowyourbenefits.dfa.state.ms.us/
Life Insurance
State Term Life insurance is provided to you as an employee of the State of Mississippi. The coverage is provided through Minnesota Life Insurance Company. For additional information on Life Insurance visit http://knowyourbenefits.dfa.state.ms.us/
Direct Deposit
This form authorizes direct deposit of your MPB paycheck to your selected financial institution.
PERS Change of Information
This form changes Member/Benefit Recipient information.
Address Change
This fillable form will send your W-2 to a new/changed address.
State of Mississippi Application