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Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Minutes

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Regular Telephonic Meeting of the Board of Directors

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

9:30 a.m.

Board Room

MAET Administration Building

3825 Ridgewood Rd.

Jackson, Mississippi


Directors present:     David Allen, Chair, Peggy Holmes, Vice-Chair, Hal Parker

Directors present telephonically:  Andrea Mayfield, Bob Sawyer

Directors absent:  Pete Smith

Staff present:            Ronnie Agnew, Teresa Collier, John Gibson, Jason Klein, Gregg Mayer, Paul Moore, Claudia Singletary, Maggie Stevenson and Henry Williams and Tara Wren

Others present:         Doug Mann, Attorney General’s office



Chairman Allen opened the meeting, and it was established that there was a quorum present to do business. 

Chairman Allen led the Pledge of Allegiance.



Ronnie Agnew welcomed new board member Hal Parker who is the IHL Representative to the MPB Board.  Ronnie Agnew also introduced Doug Mann as new representative of the Attorney General’s office and new MPB in-house counsel Gregg Mayer.




A motion was made by Vice-Chair Holmes and seconded by Director Mayfield that the Board approve the agenda, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.



Chairman Allen presented the proposed meeting schedule for fiscal year 2018. 

A motion was made by Vice Chair Holmes and seconded by Director Mayfield that the board approve the proposed meeting schedule, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

A copy of the schedule is included as a part of these Minutes as Exhibit A.



A motion was made by Director Sawyer and seconded by Director Mayfield that Director Holmes serve as chair for Fiscal Year 2018.  Nominations were closed, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

A motion was made by Director Sawyer and seconded by Director Allen that Director Mayfield serve as Vice-Chair chair for Fiscal Year 2018.  Nominations were closed, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.



A motion was made by Vice Chair Holmes and seconded by Director Sawyer that the Board approve the minutes of the May 23, 2017 meeting of the Board of Directors, and upon a unanimous vote, the motion carried.

[Director Sawyer exited the meeting telephonically.]




Paul Moore presented the financial report and highlighted various items.

Paul Moore thanked the board for electronically approving payment to NPR and PBS as those early payments saved the agency money.

Paul Moore stated that income and expenses were tracking as expected for this point in the fiscal year.

Paul Moore added that MPB has received a grant from MPB Foundation for $700,000.  This is an increase over the amount received from Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Mississippi in the preceding year.

A copy of the financial report is included as a part of these Minutes as Exhibit B.



John Gibson presented a video of current and upcoming MPB productions, including the special on Mississippi Vietnam War veterans and Palate to Palette, a show featuring Wyatt Waters and Robert St. John.

[Director Mayfield exited the meeting telephonically.]



Gregg Mayer presented the working document of the affiliation agreement with the MPB Foundation. Ronnie Agnew added that this agreement will give MPB board more freedom to make changes within the Foundation if needed.  After discussion on the items to be contained in the agreement, Gregg Mayer announced that the MPB Foundation board will suggest amendments as needed as well, and that hopefully there will be a final product for the MPB Board to review and approve at the November board meeting.



Ronnie Agnew commended MPB Foundation director Angela Ferraez for the excellent job done to-date within the Foundation.  Ronnie Agnew added that this Foundation is endeavoring to catch MPB up in the fundraising department in the following three ways:

  • Angela Ferraez is working to identify those in our data base and in our state who have potential to be major donors.
  • Underwriters are ahead of predictions for this time of year in finding sponsorships.
  • Working with First Community Development of Atlanta to locate businesses and people who will commit to large donations over a period of years.

Ronnie Agnew stated that TV Pledge did not raise as much as in the previous year and that this system of raising money through PBS shows seems to no longer be effective.  Ronnie Agnew added that MPB is looking at possibility of using our own shows for Pledge as well as other ways of raising money in this form.

Ronnie Agnew asked Paul Moore to present the MPB Foundation fiscal year 2018 budget approved by the Foundation board. Paul Moore added that the audit for the disbanded Foundation for Public Broadcasting in Mississippi is still incomplete.




Ronnie Agnew explained to the board his desire that MPB begin providing GED classes in the MPB building and stated that progress is being made.

Ronnie Agnew announced that a group is working with MPB on a documentary featuring HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities). 

Ronnie Agnew reported that Sesame Street Live is coming to Jackson in December and will be held at the Jackson coliseum.



Gregg Mayer updated the board on station repack efforts and answered questions from the board members.  Gregg Mayer stated that our cost is estimated ~$3.1M.  Some of this amount is required to be covered by monies the federal government received in the auction.  The balance is to be paid by MPB and then reimbursed.  

Tara Wren reported that the first event held in conjunction with the upcoming PBS Ken Burns special on the Vietnam War was held in Ocean Springs and was a great success.

Tara Wren reminded the board that MPB received a grant from WETA in Washington D.C. to promote conversation on the war, and the events are required as part of the fulfillment of the terms of the grant.  Tara Wren added that the 2 other events will be held in in Tupelo (11/1/17) and Jackson (11/9/17).

Jason Klein announced that the two new voices in radio are Liz Gill and Michelle McAdoo.




As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned.











SIGNED, this the 16th day of November, 2017