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Mississippians discuss legalizing medical marijuana

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Supporter of initiative 65 speaks at town hall in Jackson
Kobee Vance, MPB News

Mississippians are sharing their thoughts about legalizing medical marijuana at a town hall event before the November Election.



At a town hall in Jackson, citizens are discussing the benefits and drawbacks of Ballot Initiative 65 that could legalize medical marijuana and Alternative Measure 65A which was introduced by state legislators to offer more over oversight from state government. Billy McCullum says he supports medical marijuana under Initiative 65 because he's had two heart attacks, two strokes, and suffers from several chronic conditions. He says he asked his doctor if medical marijuana could help. "He said 'All I can tell you is this. If you come in here and you test for any illegal substance, then I'm not going to be able to write you a prescription. So you're going to have to make up your mind what you want.' I said 'I'm not asking you to provide it for me, I just asked do you think it would help?' He said 'I have nothing to say on the matter.' That is what we're facing," says McCullum.

Clarke Wise of Madison says he opposes Initiative 65 and is in support of Alternative Measure 65A. He says 65 would restrict how municipalities can zone for medical marijuana businesses. "The government that governs best is closest to the people. Well under Initiative 65, this language takes away local control. It says that these cities and counties can't employ any restrictions in zoning that's more restrictive than what they apply to any other commercial or industrial business," said Wise. "That is in direct conflict with the conservative principals that I knew about."

Both initiatives will appear on the November 3rd ballot, and if either is adopted they will become part of the state's constitution.