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Reeves opens re-election campaign with a focus on his likely challenger

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Governor Tate Reeves launched his re-election campaign in the Jackson suburb of Richland May 3. The Republican says his likely opponent, Democrat and Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley, is being propped up by the national party.
Michael McEwen / MPB News

Governor Reeves' reelection campaign began in earnest yesterday at a launch event in the Jackson suburb of Richland.

With more than 200 in attendance, the incumbent recapped his first term in office as well as set the stakes for this election, which looks likely to pit him against Democrat and Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley.

"This is a different governor's campaign than we have ever seen before in our state," said Reeves. "We are not up against a local, yokel Mississippi Democrat - we are up against a national Liberal machine. The national Democrats have recruited a candidate and they are filling up his bank account. They have sent experts in far-left politics to co-run his campaign."

Reeves also went as far back as 2020, the first year of his term, to discuss the importance of what he described as the state's swift transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I reopened our state as fast as possible and I pushed for $100 million in workforce training. I pushed for the elimination of our state income tax, and we've achieved the largest tax cut in state history. I want better for our future because this is Mississippi's time," said Reeves.

Notably, the Governor did not discuss highly contested legislative efforts championed by the Republican Party during this year's session, such as a bill expanding policing in the city of Jackson.    

The Democratic Governors Association, a national group supporting gubernatorial candidates or sitting governors, released a statement in support of Presely shortly after the event concluded.

"Reeves is a failed governor whose role in the biggest corruption scandal in state history, willingness at every turn to enrich his cronies and line his pockets on the taxpayer dime, and shamelessly political refusal to expand Medicaid have cost working Mississippians dearly," read the statement. "The Democratic Governors Association looks forward to holding him accountable in the months to come.”

According to a recent poll conducted by Sienna College, the Governor leads Presley by 11-points.